

Recently, I had been thinking of so much things that I can't even handle my feelings. Eh?
Things, like what had happened throughout my almost 21 years of life, especially during growing up moment. During teenagers.

I won't deny, up to some point in my life, I feel like I just want the world to leave me alone, let me live in my own life of dreams, where I can dream of no sadness in my life. 
But, pap, turns back to reality, to who I am kidding here?
And everything happen in life just for reasons. Nothing but reasons, from Allah.

Teachers? Whats that word doing here in my blog?

I don't want, or I don't intend to talk (or obviously write, in this case) about teachers who teach me at school, that would take thousands of page of books! Maybe because I will include their background or such or such. But what I meant here is I guess to write about the teachers, mine or yours, of our life. Who don't necessarily have to be our teachers at school.

Our teachers of life, can be anyone.
Can be our parents
Can be our siblings
Can be the other family members
Can be our childhood friends or just friends or people who we pretend as friend
Can be our teachers, lecturers
Can also be the strangers who we just walk pass by
Muslims, non- Muslim, 

Just like teachers who teach us at school, we have teachers of different subjects. 
So do life, we have different 'subject', and as school different subject taught by different teacher. And maybe like in college or university, one subject could be taught by more than one teacher. 
Subject of sabar, happy, sad or anything that regards in this life.
We might not understand why we learn those, in one occasion until we realised how one event help us to handle another event in our life.
Then, we become thankful, grateful, or anything you want to name it with.

You meet one person, your heart broken, you feel pain, but sometimes you feel that happiness. You hate what just had happened in your life, or you hate what had happend to you long time ago, well maybe not too long time ago, until you realise who you are today is the result of things that happened throughout your life. 

Maybe she makes you change yourself, maybe he makes you able to face future difficulties, maybe they make you become more mature. 

And you just realise that you cannot blame anything at all. Who's to blame anywhere? Who's fault that things happened, happen?

You might feel sorry to yourself, you think you just made a stupid mistake, but you forget, most of people learns from mistake. Learning process needs teachers, and people of that events, they are your teachers. 
You have a nonsense fight with a person, not knowing who's on the wrong side, one day you learn, and you realise that one person is a teacher for that.
You met somebody who makes you angry, then you learn how to control your anger, then you realise that if you not meet that person, you don't know that you easily get angry, although on one simple things.
You have a friend, who test your level of sabr, who actually teaches you that you are not sabr enough.
You saw someone who do kind to other people, who makes you realise that you have not done enough.

Accidentally, these people show you something in this life, don't matter you want or not wanting to accept the lessons, the values, keep strong with your ego, things keep happening. People keep make your eyes wide open. To value something from life.

So enough, enough asking or saying to yourself, 
"If only I do this and that...... and so on"
Or even
"Why did I this and that... and so on"

It is just a waste to regret things that you should not regret. Just wasting your energy and tiring your mind, because things happened for reasons, and you know that.

Thus, just be thankful for every person you meet in life who had become your teacher, teacher of your own life.
My life, I have my own set of teachers
And your life, you have your own.

Like teachers at school, they deliver, show, teach, the same things but with just different approach.

With one difference, the timing. You might learn it earlier, but maybe not me. You might learn it later, but I already learnt the lessons. Maybe because you are ready for one thing earlier and I am ready for another thing earlier. Sangat bertepatan dengan wahyu Allah yang kita faham, apa yang kita hadapi is nothing but setimpal dengan kemampuan kita.

Life is just like school, we learn, we're given test, we have teachers, and eventually the syllabus. Just different in who deliver them, and with what way we have it.
