
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Death, as I know and realise is a very cliche topic, isn't it?
People talk about death a lot of time, almost everyday. But there's no fault in it. Death is indeed needed to be reminded all the time. Whatever we do, add up to make sure everything is for Allah, and Allah only, we remind ourselves about death.

As in, when we do things, first is niat and at the same time. remember if we are going to die just after this, is this the last thing we want to do? Is this what we want reminded as?

Well, you know, when the time has come, our name is picked for the death angel to come and take our life away we can't change it, we can't reschedule it.


It is the keyword for what I want to write for today. And I will tell you what happen that makes me think of that word today.

Today, my group had a session called 'Manual Handling and Hand Hygiene'. Basically what we did for Manual Handling is that we were trained to do things (which applied at the hospital) that at the same time, we keep our posture in correct position so it does not cause any pain to any part of our body. But, what happen to me at the same time is, my left knee get hurt (maybe the effect of jatuh tangga not gone away yet) and I was prohibited from doing most of the activities, because they mostly involve knee movement. End up, the co-ordinator, the popular and super kind Dr. Rob Gaffney talked to me and we discuss about RE-SCHEDULING my session.

Then, I realise lot of events in life that we can actually re-schedule, or re-do if the result does not reach our expectation. If one event can't suit a plan, we can re-schedule it.

We, get a lot of opportunities in life. We have a lot of time days by days.

The same goes as the chances given by Allah. Allah gives us more time to us for repentance. We can re-do things, turn back to Allah, get closer to Him, know Rasulullah SAW better, doing his sunnah and we can change our attitude. Regrets or anything you name it with.

You still have time for re-do or re-chedule.

All you need is turning point, or stepping stone for these.
And of course you can't expect to get it from anyone.
In fact, Allah can gives you the light when you don't realise it, or at the most time you didn't expect it to be. Allah can also show you the way after your long and hard efforts of seeking Him.

Kerana dia Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

And the only thing you have to do, is just to grab it. Embrace it. Dare yourself, because that time your thought is only Jannah, far beyond just death. Because the real life starts after the death.
Feel the sweetness of that moments, because as far as I'm concern, that feeling didn't last long, it come and go, but once it come, utilise it to the fullest. Cry on your sejadah. Be sad, regrets of your sins and mistakes and enjoy your good deeds.

And finally comes the turn of your death that cannot be re-scheduled. There's nothing left to change, to regret. You just have to face it. Face what will happen to you next.

Now you realise, that you have more time, work, move, bring yourself closer to Him. Show Him your best efforts with hope that He will showers His redha on you.

You are still a living creature.
Every efforts only end the moment your soul is taken away from your body. Period.

Remember, if Allah is the Only you have, you have Everything you need.
Seeru 'ala barakatillah.
