Transition Effort

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

What is transition? 
Transition according to Merriam-Webster could be either:
1. A passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another:change
2. A movement , development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style or another.
3. A musician modulation
4. A musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another.
5. An abrupt change in energy state or level usuallay accompanied by loss or gain of single quantum of energy.

So, I would love to write something that related to number 1 and number 2.

Transition. Each year have different stages. Each month have different stages. Each week have different stages. Each day have different stages, even each hour and each minute we might transit ourselves. What actually I mean here?

I will give few situations, a normal and really we can find this everywhere.

"Si A ni seorang budak perempuan yang sangat nakal, tak reti nak jaga solat dan tutup aurat. Masalah betul dia ni. Tak serik-serik. Ditambah lagi dengan rakan-rakannya yang semuanya lelaki. Ishh tak jaga pergaulan langsung. Ini semua berlanjutan sehingga lah dia meningkat dewasa. Sedikit demi-sedikit si A ni mendekatkan diri kepada Islam. Sehingga dia menjadi muslimah yang baik, yang solehah yang cukup menjaga auratnya dengan baik, menjaga ibadahnya hanya kerana Allah, menjaga ikhtilat nya dan hampir semua kualiti seorang muslimah itu ada pada dirinya."

Atau yang kedua:

"Si B ni seorang anak yang baik tapi lama kelamaan muka berkawan dengan sahabat yang salah. Didikan agama yang diberi oleh ibu bapanya seolah-olah tidak bermakna dan memberi kesan dalam hidupnya. Kemudian dia terlibat dengan banyak masalah disiplin dan sosial. Tetapi suatu hari, dia memdapati dirinya berada dalam satu situasi yang lantas membuatkan dirinya insaf dan terus meninggalkan perbuatannya itu."

And usually (but not necessarily) in both situations, those individuals will find themselves get stuck in one normal situation. Judgement. Their old friends will say "Perghh.. A ni dah jadi alim lah pulak" or "Hoi B, kau ni dah buang tebiat ke?"

Tapi ayat yang paling seronok mungkin... "Weh, kau ni buang tebiat ni, kau dah nak mati ke?"

Life transition, if you begin it with living, you will definitely change it with death. You will be die. There is no might word over there. And there will be transition from death to jannah or jahannam. And of course you want to have a good transition, then you give all your energy and effort to be in jannah. 

It is a big effort.

Another types of transtion. Like myself.

I am sitting at home, during this summer holiday for about 3 months before going back to Ireland. I am a second year medical student waiting for the class to start and officially I will be a third year medical student. There is transtion. And what will I do to prepare for third year? Study hard during my second year, to make sure that I understand something later then while waiting for the school to open, I start buying books, preparing myself physically and mentally and my knowledge to enter 3rd year.

I have to give my full effort and strive so that insyaAllah I will have a joyable third year. 

Those are just examples. There are lots of type of transtion happen in our lives. And we definitely consciously or unconsciously provide efforts to ourselves for us to be better prepared for next. 

Judgement will be come. But without the effort itself, transition will not happen the way we want it or transition would not ever happen at all. And our life just the same since the day we born until we die, and trust me, if that ever happen, our life is just boring. 

While myself mentioning judgement, I would love to ask people out there. Stop judging any good changes occur. Well, I'm not saying that its okay to judge a bad changing that happen to one self but because today I write about good changing, so I try to be specific. 

Don't be surprised that someones changing. No matter how long you never meet him/her. Even somebody might change in one night time that yesterday she is in one situation and the next day she is totally the opposite. If its good, then learn to accept it. 

When you know one attitude during the past, but looking at that person who already change, don't say something like "Dia tak macam tu pun dulu" unless you try to explain something that really need to be explained.

Why? Because they have given their transtion efforts that you finally see the products but saying or mentioning one's old mistakes to another might demoralise him/her. We should support, not demoralise and it is a very wise step to refrain yourself from say something bad about him/her. 

Transition effort is something that we should appreciate, something that we see from other people snd implement in our life. Take it as qudwah hasanah. A good example. 

Doens't matter the transition is from where to where but find yourself a good example and give out your effort for yourself. Everyone wants a better living. InsyaAllah


Seeru 'ala barakatillah
