Men's Best Friend

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

It has been real long time since the last time I update the posts. So I decided today that I want to write about something. Something that quite important in our lives, well, at least for me. 

People say, men's best friend is a dog. I know.
But I would rather change it to this one particular thing that really should be men's (and please obviously women- I'm trying to generalise things here) best friend.

Books. Exactly, pieces of intelligent works by genius authors in their own field. Doesn't matter any books that you think would actually bring benefit to you. Hey, Harry Potter series did brought benefits to lot of people. 

Why did I say books?
Here is the story of my interesting life. Well, at least for me.

I'm not really a wonderful person. I'm trying to be better and better everytime. Sometimes I fall again but I realised I could never give up. The way I speak, the way I act, the way I think. Sometimes I can be too stubborn and stupid and idiotic also being a real messed up girl. I realised I had changed a little bit. Even my mom noticed that, except more to be done. But, I'm not perfect. I really messed up quite lots of time. No matter how hard I try to be perfect as my natural being as a perfectionist (which lead the increasing an already problematic situations) but I recently trying to figure out how actually I'm able to improve myself (as I see it)

Family is a sure thing, but that really not much.
Friends, yes. But what kind of friends. I have tons of friends (despite the fact some of them saying bad things behind my back, or hate me, or simply disliking me and making it real obvious) hey, I did create some troubles. I'm a human-being. Some, just unable to forgive and keep keeping in their mind, that I am the girl who makes that mistakes.
So, what kind of friends?
Earlier in my teenage life which marks the beginning of my effort to become a better person, I became friends with a person who always suggest me good books, as in nature I like to read and write (read: blog) and the real first book that someone ever suggest to me was, 'Everyone Communicates, Few Connect' by John C. Maxwell. It is a very good book. Great book actually, great enough that I start collecting the books written by him and officially the first time I fall in love with non-fictions and literally slowing down from reading fiction. And some of his books really helping me in improving myself. Then I began to introduced myself to more self- help books. Why? Because they (books) are unable to judge me. They don't humiliate me, they don't scold me in front of lots of people and they don't correct me with other people acknowledge it. They do it in private, well my privacy. They are the most loyal friend that a man could ever have. Why? Why when people try to correct me, it is difficult for me? Because I have a large ego. A real large ego that I, myself try to improve, with books. And because I would prefer people talk to me in private. One to one. Indirectly. Not direct. Because I have ego. Everyone has ego. Small or large is the different but lots of people try to narrow down their ego, so do I, insyaAllah. 

Books, other than unleash your imagination like much novels such as InkHeart series (InkSpell and InkDeath) by Cornelia Funke, improve you knowledge like lots of books literally, also can change your habit. A powerful book entitled 'The Power of Habit' by author Charles Duhigg that really makes you realised how many habit would be problematic and how to change that. Or books like I currently reading now, 'Mind Power' by James Borg that somehow help me to change my view in life only with flips of few pages that I know this book is a real deal. I would say most of others John C. Maxwell real helpful doesn't matter your profession in life. 

Books also actually when I'm thinking it back, is the thing that help me going through my life. The painful, tiring, stressing events in my life. These books helps me to deal with what life throwing at me. How people don't know the real story (which people still don't know) of my life as I never show it, because books help me to react with my life situations in the best possible way. The seven habits and the 8th habits by Stephen Covey, '7 Formulas of Excellent Individual' by Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin, Chicken Soup for Soul series, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell or any books by Atul Gawande. They help how you face your life. 

Some books can motivate you. Maybe by reading others people life like 'I am Malala' or reading about things that you like that encourage you to be as good as them like I love to read Oliver Sacks' works.  Books can also put values in your life, like the books by Mitch Albom. Don't lie to me that you don't cry even once reading his books. Well, you might not. It doesn't matter but they do touch your heart. Some books give you facts with some fiction but you learn something, like some novels do or a lot by Dan Brown's works. You at least learn geopraphy a little bit. And history as well.
And I couldn't write every single thing that books help me with my life. Surely a lot! Which you will discover yourself when you start reading

You are what you read. I couldn't agree more. I am grateful that Allah sends me few people who I can trust and who will try to change me by knowing how to change me. How to approach me, because they observe and they understand then they do. I couldn't ask for more. They are important. But of course everyone you know gives some meaning to your life. 

I don't actually realised this before until I read one of my favourite Maxwell's works again that everything come back to me.
I must say, John C. Maxwell's work is the book that start my journey towards a better person. It is. And of course I'm looking forward to read more of his books. But I really think I should tell this to all of you who able to spend some time reading this.

Pick a good book is same as picking a good friend. You want to be surrounded with people who can help you grow and who want growing with you. You need to do the same with books. 
Start slowly because it is never too late to start.

Book is men's real best friend. 
