This Means War!


okay, okay
I realize that the title of this update is quite harsh
don't judge!
lemme explain first :)

okay, the meaning of war is very subjective
serious face (angkat kening tinggi- tinggi)
and as a student like me
that live in "peace" country

okay, all of you get it right?

anyways, today,
is the last day for our academic week
yes! last day!
and I really mean
last day of academic week in AUCMS
the end of the finals for Semester III = the end of Pre-Medical Studies
so, I decide to have some time right 
to relaxing myself
well, eventually it had been quite tiring week
I need some moment, CHILL~
so, went out to Secret Recipe with my housemates and few friends
(Amy, Hasanah, Amir : thanks guys!) ^^

Homie to PV, [yakni sekarang]
open up blogspot, that I becoming blogwalker
I read one post by my friend
"Mentadabbur Alam"
ya Allah
I was like~ [so... terkesan]
saya nak berubah macam dia...
as she said, she is taking the step
I really want to do the same
to change myself [moga Allah beri kekuatan]
insyaAllah :)

here, I just want to write a little
that actually can raise up my own spirit
sometimes, we don't realize we know something until we say it out loud

"Carilah kekuatan, mintalah kekuatan daripada Allah.
Carilah kerajinan, mintalah kerajinan daripada Allah.
Carilah kejayaan, mohonlah Allah permudahkan.
Carilah Allah, Carilah Allah, Carilah Allah.
Setiap saat, setiap ketika, Allah ada bersamamu.
Jagalah agama Allah, Allah akan menjagamu.
Jangan pernah berputus asa, jatuh, bangkit semula :)
Gagal lepas menuntut ilmu sehabis boleh, itu ujian
Gagal lepas tidak berusaha, itu....... [you guys think okay]
Mintalah, merayulah, menangislah, mohonlah, sujudlah, berharaplah hanya kepada Allah
Pada Dia yang pasti [smiley- smile]

Menimba ilmu, pasti ada kesukaran
Pasti ada kesesakan dalam perjalanan
Pasti ada kesukaran
Pasti minyak akan habis
Jangan ditunggu lagi,
go! to petrol station
refill your tank :)

In our live, it is like a journey
In our QC [Qur'anic Circle] :D [ceh~ nama nak gempak je.. usrah la..]
we had discuss about travelling
from Kampung A ----> Kampung B -------> Kampung C
[wish I can draw something here]

Kampung A [asal kita]
Kampung B [persinggahan]
Kampung C [destinasi]

this is analogy

let take it like this
Kampung A: where we come from
Allah created us,
untuk beribadah kepada-Nya
we make promises to Allah
we  will leave badness and do goodness

we begin our travels
after we are given birth

we stop at Kampung B: Living
[maybe having accident- lost memory]
bila kita di dunia, kita dah lupa janji kita kepada Allah
kita mula menuruti nafsu,
kita mula lalai dan leka

there in Kampung B, depends who will we met
what will we found
it will shape us

sama macam dunia, siapa kita berkawan
kemana kaki kita melangkah,
semuanya mencorak diri kita

betul persahabatan, baiklah kita
betul tempat kita tuju, berjayalah kita

but we know, we still need to continue our journey
to Kampung C: akhirat

Kalau kita leka dekat Kampung B, dah seronok di situ
ada kemungkinan besar kita akan lupa destinasi sebenar kita untuk ke
Kampung C
tapi kalau betul lah, kita akan ingat perjalanan seorang pengembara kita ni
kemana sebenarnya

apa yang saya nak sampaikan di sini
tak kisahlah, apa yang kita cuba usahakan, 
apa yang kita cuba buat
kalau kita masih ingat perjalanan sebenar kita ke "Kampung C"
insyaAllah, kita tak tersasar
insyaAllah, kita akan sabar

This is really important in Tulubul 'Ilm
If we realize we actually doing this
with Niat only to get the barakah from Allah
InsyaAllah, we will never give up
Because we know
No matter how hard we try but still not get the best result
we will get it later.

Beribadah dan Tulubul 'Ilm
Sangat Seronok 
apabila dilakukan secara iklas
Istiqamah, Khusyu' dan Tawadu'
Lagi- lagi kalau dilengkapkan dengan Ibadah Wajib
Dihiaskan dengan Ibadah Sunat
and Dicorakkan dengan Fardu Kifayah
"May Allah Bless Us"

Oh ye, kepada anda: ya, anda :)
We promised each other that we will success in our live right?
Forget the pass
Let us remind each other
Distance doesn't being the obstacle to any friendship
I don't want to fall
and I don't want to see you fall
[kalau jatuh pun; dengan semangatnya bangun balik!]
make the past as your stepping stone to get up
"Jangan malas- malas"
[sila ingatkan saya dengan ini juga] :D
jangan terlalu leka dengan dunia
ambil yang perlu sahaja
You have everythung you need
Now, you use it for your war
Best of luck! 

[saying the same thing to myself mood] :D
insyaAllah we will make it

Pray for us for our finals ya :)

Oh yes, lagi satu

The students of
Foundation in Medical Studies
Allianze University College of Medical Sciences
July 2011
[walaupun less tendency nak baca benda ni :p]

The best of luck in OUR finals of semester III
Let us fight together alright! 
insyaAllah we will make it ^^
Sayang ketat- ketat kat korang
[mood takut: bagi semangat pandai, nak semangat sendiri tak]
"Jangan malas- malas ea"
[pesan kat diri sendiri jugak]
itu jelah

~If Allah is the ONLY you have, you have EVERYTHING you need~
>Allahumma Najihna Fil Imtihan<


  1. Sengih je tgk post ni. Hehe, dh ckp dah. Haha
    apapun, thanks, i got something ;)
    Lets fight together!

    1. Hehe, kemain lagi yer huda~ :p ok what! Gambatte!!! insyaAllah


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